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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to list my business?

$44.95 for 3 months – that is less than $15 a month!

What forms of payment do you accept?

Currently we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and Paypal.

Can I make changes to my listing later on?

Yes, you can edit your listing as many times as you wish.

I created an account, but I’m not able to log in. What do I do?

Some browsers might need to be refreshed after logging in.

Please contact us if you still can’t have access to your account after refreshing your browser.

How do I edit my listing?

Sign in to your account by visiting: Manage Listing.

I already paid, but I made a mistake when I submitted my listing’s information, how can I correct it?

Please do not submit another listing or delete the one that is marked as “pending”. You must wait until our administrator approves and publishes your listing. Once approved, you will be able to edit your listing (see “How do I edit my listing” above).

Can I include pictures with my listing?

Yes, all advertisers can now upload up to 5 pictures. This is a new feature with no additional cost!

Can I use more than one business category for my listing?

During the creation of your listing you will be able to use only one category, however we might include your listing in different categories based on the description of your business. Please note that editing your listing later on will void this benefit.

Can I renew my listing before it expires?

Yes, you will receive an email alerting you about the expiration of your listing and renewal instructions.